
A highly physical dramatic collage

The hunt for the Beast of Exmoor provides the starting point for a taut psychological thriller about our need for Beasts and what happens as we hunt them.

A marine on the moor stalks the beast. A mysterious woman appears at his side – to help or to hinder? For the soldier, fresh from conflict, the hunt takes on a startling significance. And the tale takes on a life of its own, interweaving stories and myths from other times and other traditions to examine the nature of the beast – and the fate of the hero who hunts it.

Hercules and the Lion, Diana and Acteon, Beowulf and Grendel - even the Werewolf of Ilfracombe - they all make an appearance along with the Marines and other assorted victims and hunters.

This pacy two-hander uses lightning-quick changes of character, heightened physicality, music and projection to tell its story. Though created essentially for an adult audience, it is proving hugely popular with Drama Students at GCSE level and above because of the range of theatre skills and styles that it employs.

"The range of theatre skills and styles that it employed made for essential viewing for students currently working on devising projects."
"So useful for our upcoming exam and coursework!"

Tavistock College
promo video
technical details
  • get-in 90 minutes
  • performance 60 minutes - no interval
  • get-out 45 minutes
  • performance area preferable minimum 4m x 4m x 3m height - the production can be presented end-on or arena
  • lighting in theatres - warm cover; in schools and community venues we need access to a couple of 13 amp sockets for the small lighting rig, sound system and projectorthat we carry
  • sound & projection self-operated from on stage
  • ancillary work we're more than happy to lead post-show discussions and we offer a menu of complementary workshops
Hercules and the Beast together Diane hunts Acteon She encourages the Marine to play his guitar Two Beasts heading in opposite directions

photos by Guy Harrop