
a story of hope

Two weary travellers meet. They are suspicious of each other. They share a story to try to establish trust. Together they tell the story of Pandora.

After the battle with the Titans, Zeus and Hera task two brothers, Prometheus and Epimetheus, to create creatures to populate the world. Epimetheus creates fierce, wild animals. Prometheus creates men and women and steals a spark of the sacred fire so that they can keep themselves warm, cook food and scare away the wild animals. Zeus punishes Prometheus for stealing the sacred spark.

Zeus and Hera also come up with a plan to stop the men and women getting too powerful. They persuade the god Hephaestus to make the most beautiful woman in the world. She is called Pandora. Hera presents Pandora to Epimetheus along with a jar, which she and Zeus have filled with everything that will make life miserable for mankind - Sickeness, Pain, Envy, Greed and more. Curiosity gets the better of Pandora and Epimetheus and they open the jar and the miseries are released. But also in the jar is Hope. So Hope too is released into the world of men and women.

The weary travellers reflect on their own hopes and decide to trust each other.

Pandora is a play for young people about big ideas. About holding on to trust and hope and working together in an uncertain and selfish world. All presented with the sensitivity and fun that goes with thirty years of writing and performing for young audiences. Original music plays a prominent part in this production.

Pandora is suitable for children aged 5 - 11.
It serves as a wonderful introduction to a classic Greek Myth but also engages children with wider questions of who we are and how we live our lives. And of course it features the fine acting and inventive story-telling expected of a multi story production!

promo video
technical details
  • get-in 75 minutes
  • performance 55 minutes
  • post-performance questions and discussion 15 minutes
  • get-out 45 minutes
  • performance area 5m x 5m x 3m height
  • access to a 13 amp sockets for the lighting rig and sound equipment that we carry.
Hera and Zeus look down from Mount Olympus at newly-created men and women Hephaestus and Prometheus enjoy using fire to scare away creatures Hope flies out of the jar, amazing Pandora and Epimetheus

photos by Paul Treweeke